Novelty: the quality of being new; also refers to something novel--that which is striking, original or unusual.
Novelties: small manufactured adornments; a toy or collectible.
Once the bug for something new gets under my skin, it's a hard sucker to obliterate. Case in point. My nose piercing was radical, given my career and social sphere. It's a small sphere, but I'm afloat in a larger pool of conservative certainties, which makes me about as popular as a germ at an immune system convention. It's been 8 months now and the novelty (definition #1) has worn off. At least for me. I still get double-takes, but more smiles of recognition than anything else.
Now I have the itch to plunk down some green for definition #2. I want to swap out my stainless steel ring for something fun. Cost is not a factor, but the compact is. I suspect that used nose jewelry is not a popular commodity and even if it was, I don't think I could go there. This falls to the same disturbing area of the brain where I store all the other senseless learned taboos like "can't eat food that has a hair in it." Technically, there is no reason not to share sterilized jewelry, but I've been mind-screwed out of it.
I can't believe that the piercing jewelry comes from anywhere but third-world countries, pumped out by uncaring, resource-mining corporations, despite being sold in hip shops marketing themselves as underdogs. So unless I find someone handcrafting nose jewelry out of recycled bits, I'm not going to get my novelty for the coming year. The smart bet, however, is that I'm going to be trying to put my earring studs on double duty. At least until I realize it wasn't meant to be or until I suck an earring back into my lungs during the night.
This leaves me obsessing over my nose ring. It's boring. Unoriginal. Usual. I'm left to wonder why I have such a strong need for novelty. It may be a human trait, or it may be my initiation into the world of spoiled, affluent America. Either way, I'm going to find a big stick and beat it out of myself.
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I thought: it's impossible you can't find a North America-made nose ring, there has to be something!
I found only one on Etsy (a fantastic source of handmade stuff):
Hope this helps!
On second thought, if it's your first craving for a definitely "want" item since starting the Compact, it may be worth it to fight it, just out of principle.
Now that just hurts Malva. Show me the brass ring and then rip it from my greedy little grasp. This will require some pondering. I love to support artists, being one myself, but neither do I really *need* a new nose ornament--you are so right! I'm beating back my squirrely instincts (collecting shiny objects) as I type. Kelli
Well, I happen to love your nose ring! To me it's not the object itself but the statement it makes.
It, like this blog, your art, and other expressions, state that you are not part of the human herd.
The ring was a decision made prior to the compact. Perhaps it was indicative of a choice made toward this journey to a more sustainable way of life.
An artisan nose ring? Consider having one commissioned by the artist of your choice. Take a look at that one mentioned.
Oh come on, not so hard. It's a ring, right? So put a secondhand bead, or trinket, or something else creative on it. That way the secondhand item is not the one being inserted into your nose and you still get the novelty value. And the doubletakes.
Not sure I approve of the nose ring thing in the first place. As for making a statement, it is hard to make such a statement when it is not in the realm of normal people (those with no ring and those who don't want one) to speak in an objective manner. Don't really appreciate the nose ring and I suppose if you live in the "jungle" of life, then perhaps it is accepable. Such is lfe. I would presume that Lucidonion has some type of metal thing on his person.
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